on my way to teach a freshman english class, there was a small child milling about outside the classroom. the child looked about 3 and was of indiscriminate gender, due to a few dozen yellow rubberbands that coralled its hair into little braid things. i don't know what you would call that. i don't know much about hairstyles. i tried to shoo the child away as i walked into my class and it seemed to work, as the small person turned around toddled off toward the exit.
about 10 minutes into the class, the child was back. it was peeking in the door and then walked in and promptly pulled down its pants. its sex now firmly established, the boy started running around. being immature even for 13-17 year olds, my class was in hysterics. not knowing how i could get this child out without leaving my class (the most unruly in the school) alone, i went to the faculty room next door and got Florence, one of the other teachers to get the kid out. the boy ran into the other freshman classroom, next door, and the teacher in there, Matur helped Florence show the little exhibitionist the nearest exit.
i thought that was the end of it but after the class he was back in the hall, although now his pants were thankfully around his waist. it took a few minutes but i got a firm grip on him (he was pretty slippery and was also not wearing a shirt). he did not want to come with me, so i picked him up like he was a corpse. suprisingly, he didn't squirm all that much. i carried him to the office and layed him on Edna, the outspoken secretary's desk saying, "look what i found in my classrooom." for whatever reason, the child was not moving at this point and Edna fairly shrieked because she thought he was dead or something. he quickly got up off the desk and started dancing around the office. it wasn't long before he pulled down as pants again, at which point another Marshallese woman who works in the office started making menacing gestures at his genitals with a big red scissors. i don't know what she was saying, but i can imagine it was something like, "you put that thing away or i'm gonna cut it off!"
Bravo! Best one yet
my very freudian human development teacher would have had a heart attack knowing what the woman said to that boy! sounds like a good story though
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