in september i started getting up early to pray with the sunrise. i have a flat chunk of concrete i spread a towel out on and i meditate, calming all the worrying and planning about the many stresses that buzz through my brain all day long. i listen to the waves and the wind and God. sometimes i have deep, moving experiences but mostly i don't.
this morning i had a great feeling of joy. i opened my eyes after meditating and was overcome with how beautiful life is. i am a part of this huge, minutely detailed, incredible patchwork of life with God running through it all. i looked around and saw the ocean and the sun and the clouds and the houses of Small Island and the coconut trees and i just couldn't help smiling and even laughing a little. this is all so amazing! not the tropicality of my location or what i'm doing here in majuro, but this whole earth is such an unbelievable place and i get to be a part of it. i get to see and taste and draw meaning from all of this incredible creation. what more could a guy ask? there's no reason in this crazy world to be angry or sad or anything you don't want to be for more than a second!
its simple but it absolutely set me on fire.