i'm not sure if this is going to work because everything on this website is in some sort of asian script as opposed to good ol' american english. i'll just try and make due. if it doesn't work, i guess you'll never know, though.
the roof of the jvi house here in the marshall islands has had problems for a long time. for starters, the house is the oldest building on the assumption church and school grounds. it was renovated about 20 years ago but is in a sad state of disrepair now. the only thing that is a major problem is the roof. when it is raining outside, well, it is also raining inside. sometimes it is even raining inside long after the gray clouds have moved on. the problem is isolated to the kitchen/dining room area. while this is a problem when you're trying to eat a meal, it is certainly better than leaks above anyone's bed. also, note that the attic was until recently home to an undetermined number of rats, whose droppings the water percolated through before coming through the cieling. so we're not just talking about water, we're talking about brown rat poop water.
after about a year of requesting help with this problem, the cavalry finally arrived on wednesday in the form of samuel, the maintenance guy. he started out by ripping off a section of the tin roof. what section you ask? naturally the corner of the house that is home to my bedroom. nobody knew he was going to start that day, so i didn't put anything away or make any efforts to perserve things. in the process of removing the existing roof, mass quantities of bits of rotten wood and who knows what else came to litter my bed, chair, desk, and floor. fair enough, not a big problem. messes are a part of fixing things.
the real problem started when samuel hadn't put the new roof on yet and it started to rain. there was brown water running down the walls of my room, dripping from the middle and pooling on the floor, in addition to being absorbed into my mattress. luckily i was able to put some tarps on my bed and carefully stow important documents and belongings inside my big dresser/shelf thing that kept everything dry. there was no real damage, i just have a mess on my hands.
so there was no roof for a few days. relax, there is a roof now. they aren't done working on it but the gaping maw that was over my room has been covered for a day or two. in the meantime i am sleeping at the rectory next door. father rich, the normal resident, is on vacation but will be back this week. he doesn't know i'm staying there. i "borrowed" a few books from his shelves. don't tell him.
i tried to put up a picture of the exposed beams hanging over my room but i can't make heads or tails of this asian script. on the bright side, i have pictures online! check them out: http://picasaweb.google.com/aaronzeleske
the roof of the jvi house here in the marshall islands has had problems for a long time. for starters, the house is the oldest building on the assumption church and school grounds. it was renovated about 20 years ago but is in a sad state of disrepair now. the only thing that is a major problem is the roof. when it is raining outside, well, it is also raining inside. sometimes it is even raining inside long after the gray clouds have moved on. the problem is isolated to the kitchen/dining room area. while this is a problem when you're trying to eat a meal, it is certainly better than leaks above anyone's bed. also, note that the attic was until recently home to an undetermined number of rats, whose droppings the water percolated through before coming through the cieling. so we're not just talking about water, we're talking about brown rat poop water.
after about a year of requesting help with this problem, the cavalry finally arrived on wednesday in the form of samuel, the maintenance guy. he started out by ripping off a section of the tin roof. what section you ask? naturally the corner of the house that is home to my bedroom. nobody knew he was going to start that day, so i didn't put anything away or make any efforts to perserve things. in the process of removing the existing roof, mass quantities of bits of rotten wood and who knows what else came to litter my bed, chair, desk, and floor. fair enough, not a big problem. messes are a part of fixing things.
the real problem started when samuel hadn't put the new roof on yet and it started to rain. there was brown water running down the walls of my room, dripping from the middle and pooling on the floor, in addition to being absorbed into my mattress. luckily i was able to put some tarps on my bed and carefully stow important documents and belongings inside my big dresser/shelf thing that kept everything dry. there was no real damage, i just have a mess on my hands.
so there was no roof for a few days. relax, there is a roof now. they aren't done working on it but the gaping maw that was over my room has been covered for a day or two. in the meantime i am sleeping at the rectory next door. father rich, the normal resident, is on vacation but will be back this week. he doesn't know i'm staying there. i "borrowed" a few books from his shelves. don't tell him.
i tried to put up a picture of the exposed beams hanging over my room but i can't make heads or tails of this asian script. on the bright side, i have pictures online! check them out: http://picasaweb.google.com/aaronzeleske
*addendum: i put the picture up now!